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Intellectual Property, Science, and Innovation for Women Scientists

Our proficiency in science and research is undeniable. However, it is crucial to focus on Intellectual Property protection and innovation to reap the benefits of scientific inventions. Notably, a gap between science and technology transfer still exists due to the traditional academic culture that often prioritizes publication over IP protection, and the costly and protracted process of IP protection.

I recently had the honor of being invited to participate in the Leadership Course on Intellectual Property, Science, and Innovation for Women Scientists and Innovators organized by the World Intellectual Property Organization – WIPO in collaboration with UNESCO and the Korean Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), which was held in Geneva, Switzerland.

I had the opportunity to meet brilliant people, women innovators and entrepreneurs, and learned about new research approaches with IP in mind, which were enlightening. 💫

We also discussed the gap between science and the market in our countries and proposed practical solutions to bridge this gap through early education and training on IP for students and scientists and setting policies that incentivize and facilitate IP protection.

I am grateful to the WIPO Academy director, the course organizers, the speakers, and the experts for their motivation and support, which will guide us toward a promising future.

Mr. Sherif Saadallah, Executive Director, WIPO Academy. Ms. Altaye Tedla, Head of Learning, WIPO Academy. Dr. Ana Peršić, Executive Secretary, L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science Programme. Malathi LakshmikumaranSimone Rotili, Seong Min, Leonid Chechurin, Christoph Dobrusskin, Tiffany Norwood, So Young Park, Helen Hwei-Lee, Diana Jungmann, Farah Mustafa, Caroline Storan, and Natalia Smolenova.




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